4_Props Website Notice



A special note.

Please check your bookmark or favorite and ensure it's http://4Props.ddns.net
and not
for this site.

Also, I've just come to realize that Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8) does not display my pages in the correct format. IE 8 is the last version that runs on Windows XP. So if you are still running the 12 year old XP I strongly suggest you install Firefox.   IE 9 on Windows 7 or higher is fine.
1/10/16 OK, Microsoft is discontinuing all older versions of IE. LINK



Here are a few of my favorite bookmarked websites. Please email me if you know of other good websites that I should include here.

UAV Experts LINK (On the top of my list for good reason. 4_Props )

Drone 360 LINK

Drones.org LINK

DroneLife LINK


The Drone News LINK

Unmanned Aerial LINK

Unmanned Systems Technology LINK

That Drone Show LINK

RC Helicopters Fun LINK Don't let the home page fool you there is plentry on Quads.

QuadcopterHQ.com LINK

MultiRotot Pilot Magazine LINK

Roto Drone Magazine LINK

RCgroups 350 QX LINK

RCgroups 350 QX3 LINK

RCgroups DX6 LINK

RCgroups Chroma LINK

RCgroups The Mobius ActionCam Support Thread (Posts #1-#8 mandatory reading!) LINK

HeliFreaks 350 QX LINK

Horizon Hobby (HH) LINK

Blade (HH) Quads LINK

Spektrum (HH) DX6 LINK

Horizon Hobby on Facebook LINK

Blade Helicopters on Facebook LINK

SpektrumRC on Facebook LINK

Horizon Hobby on Google+ LINK

HeliPartsDirect LINK

Flytrex LINK

Mexico Air, Sea & Land Radio Control Hobbies (MexAir) LINK

Top Dog Blog by RCG Members- thanks Red.Sneakers LINK



I have started logging statistics on my website. Currently the sampling of data is small but over time the charts will be better filled out.    click

This site is visitor frendly, no sign on, no cookies, no tracking, no advertising, no annoying popups, and it is a spam free zone.