4_Props   Maps & More ...




Some of the posts I've put on the news page get lost and they are things that are worth bookmarking. So this page will be a better place to hold the more useful links.




B4UFLY from the FAA Smartphone App LINK






Flytrex Multi-Rotors and quadcopters world Map LINK and Live missions. LINK I have never been able to connect to a Live flight. Please email me if you know how to do it.


Wind map LINK Good site to check before going out to the field.




AOPA - Drone notification made easy LINK LINK





AirMap Launches to Enable Safe, Legal and Hassle-Free Drone Flying LINK map here LINK. No need to sign in. Our local flying field is within the 5 mile radius of our county airport.



Don’t Fly Drones Here, A Crowdsourced Map of Local Drone No-Fly Zones in the United States and Canada LINK Click the map and then click the popup 'X' to view the map details.



Multirotor regulation in your country. LINK




Maps of US commercial drone use LINK




VFRmap (Hybrid VFR) LINK



GPS Visualizer: Do-It-Yourself Mapping LINK





More ...


Drone and Multirotor Quadcopter Aircraft Glossary LINK



Quadrocopter and Tricopter Info Mega Link Index LINK





Spektrum Audio Editor v1 Released. LINK (V1.0.0.0)
The Spektrum team is excited to announce the release of The Spektrum Audio Editor program for all Gen2 aircraft transmitters with Voice Alerts. The editor allows you to upload or record up to 32 custom sound events that can be uploaded to your DX6, DX7, DX9, or DX18 Gen2 radio.

An important note about the Spektrum Audio Editor setup. LINK RCgroups forum LINK and LINK
Latest Spektrum voice file V1.07 LINK and here is a text to speach file generator LINK

How to - Spektrum Audio Editor


Spektrum Programmer for Airwave Radios LINK
I'm not sure what we have here from Spektrum as I'm not finding any documentation. So you plug your receiver programmer cable into your PC and then can use the Windows GUI to program your model. Sounds like a great idea but remember this is just V1.0.0.0. It may not be all that usefull for the 350 QX at this time.


Accelerometers, Gyros, Magnetometers in a nutshell LINK

P, I (and D) gains in a nutshell LINK




LiPo Battery Basics

LiPo Battery Basics 1 - Safe Use LINK



LiPo Battery Basics 2 - Transporting LINK



LiPo Battery Basics 3 - Charging LINK



LiPo Battery Basics 4 - Disposal LINK You

Dispose of your old LiPo's at your local recycle center LINK


How To - Spektrum Wireless Trainer Setup

Flight mode chart for the DX3 using the DX4 by gpk9 of RCgroups. (rev 4)


Team tech tip dual rates and expo set up


Just fun:




Top 10 Signs You’re Addicted to Multi-Rotors


So you admit you have a problem. These are the signs you might have a Multi-Rotor Addiction.
  1. You have so many rotors that Multi should be Megamulti.
  2. At least 1 box is delivered to your door every day with “parts” in it.
  3. Even the remote in your living room has a throttle.
  4. You know the difference between 3s and 4s, 10c and 70c.
  5. You got rid of your dog because he didn’t get along with your Multi-Rotor.
  6. You never take off your FatSharks.
  7. You have carbon fiber embedded in your flesh.
  8. You can adjust your PIDs without even touching your multi-rotor.
  9. You put LEDs on everything.
  10. You’ve experienced more Fly-Aways than Malaysian Airlines.
Originally posted on Drone-Pilot-Zone.com by Mitch Valentine


(4/23/15 ) "The Big Bang Theory" TV show had a story line about a quad. If you missed it try to catch a rerun while you're on hold with tech. support.   More images LINK   LINK   LINK   LINK   Watch it HERE it is episode "The Graduation Transmission".


Drone - Quadcopter 1.2 by seeco on Sketchfab


R/C advertising - R/C reality


Warning, foul language used.


Bigger is better!