Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Registration LINK
starts 12/21/2015.
XJET an Aussie thinks we (in the USA) need to have mandatory gun registration before drone registration. I do too.
USA treats drone owners like sex offenders (rant)
I'm a current member of the A.M.A., you should be too. LINKSafety Rules
The A.M.A. has this new website DiscoverFlight.org that's pertty nice. Just click the image to visit.
Know Before You Fly is an education campaign founded by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems
International (AUVSI), the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), and the Small UAV Coalition in partnership with the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) to educate prospective users about the safe and responsible operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
Learn more about it LINK
Please support the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) in their negotiations with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
over the interpretation of the of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft. If you are unaware of what the problem is watch this
on CNN .
How Do I Handle Lithium Batteries Safely? Story HERE
What is a lithium polymer battery?
The Lithium Polymer (LiPo) battery is a rechargeable battery commonly used in the RC and UAV
communities. LiPo batteries have many advantages over other rechargeable batteries (NiCad, NiMh,
etc.). They are lightweight, can be made in almost any shape and size, they have large capacities,
and higher discharge rates. But perhaps the biggest advantage of LiPo batteries is that they can be
charged over a 100 times without losing any significant performance.
Please note these 4 motor helicopters are Quadcopters or Quads or even refered to as Multirotors please do not call them drones. Drones are what the
military use to kill people. Hobby RC flyers fly Quads.
Please comply with all federal and local flight restrictions. Keep your model within your line of sight and under 400 feet at all times. Do not fly within 5 miles of an active airport
I fly with the Flytrex Core 2 "Black Box" device. I believe they now have a newer version.
I haven't found what has changed. LINK
are a few of my flights or missions as they call them. Be sure to click on the map to see more details.
I've now flown almost 60 miles logging my flights.
On this page you can see the Top Speed for 350 QX flights logged. You
can also refine the search more to just the 1st Gen. QX, QX2, and QX3.
Hey, I'm in the middle of page #3 and I still haven't got her out of 2nd gear.
Note: Max altitude is from sea level up. Max ascent is from the ground start point (origin) up.
And here you can download into Google Earth the flight path of some of my outings.
When Google Earth opens you can right click on the flight path and select "Show Elevation Profile".
This thumbnail shows a sample of the Google Earth view. With Google Earth you have many options to tilt, turn, and rotate
the perspective. (click image to enlarge)
A full 12+ minute flight covering about 2.5 miles. DownLoad
The data from the Flytrex can also be exported in .csv (Excel) format. DownLoad
This file is from the flight above as shown on the Flytrex site.
Samplings are taken 5 times a second.
Note that 12 satellites were locked in.
Flytrex released firmware V4 for the Core 2. Look for details on the
Gear Flytrex "T&R" page in the "Tips" section.
New Flytrex Flight Logbook is now available! Official flight reporting for your multirotor fleet, locate specific flights,
easy to use filters and flight reports export to PDF! Access the new Logbook via the Account Menu on top-right corner.
Check out your personal Logbook today:
JohnCC of RCgroups reports that the Yuneec Q500 Flytrex Core cable works on the Chroma.
I thought that since GPS is a big topic for discussion with our 350 QX quads I would put a few useful links
here that cover what GPS is and how it works. I've added it here as the Flytrex unit is very much GPS focused.
Did you know that the Chroma uses both Global Positioning System (GPS) and
GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) the Russian system. Read more about it here LINK
This effectively doubles the available satellites, redundancy is a good thing.
Check out the current Geomagnetic Storm (Solar) LINK
to see if your GPS will be OK for flight control today. Or from the Google Play store K-Index Monitor or K-Index Lite LINK
A visual example of a 24 satellite GPS constellation in motion with the Earth rotating. Notice how the number of satellites in view from a given point on the Earth's surface,
in this example at 45°N, changes with time.
Click the thumbnails for larger images. You can then click on the large picture to zoom in and scroll around even more.
These pictures are individual frame grabs from Mobius video shot at 1080p.
Here are a couple of my
flight videos. Enjoy.
Can’t make up my mind, football or soccer. Over or under the bar.
This one I’m up maybe 150ft over Fulton. I know, I know I need to slow down the speed of my rotation/pan.
Notice the sounds of my heavy lift carbon fiber props.
These are some of my favorite 350 QX videos.
Next Page
Where I purchased my main gear from Josh and Marty.
Alpha testing on the MexAir R/C exclusive X4MR250 racing quadcopter is complete. LINKVideo
I was chatting with Josh from MexAir R/C and he showed me a quad running Adafruit and Neopixels lighting.
More here on You
A great way to resolve orientation and visibility issues.
Syracuse Thunderbirds Aero Radio Society, Inc. (S.T.A.R.S)
9/4/2016 -- Phoenix, NY STAR AIRSHOW.
Open flying and Demos of all types of model airplanes and helicopters.
Airshow hours; 10am-4:30pm.
Free admission, $5 parking.
Free picnic dinner for all flyers and their families.
Public welcome.
Food and drink concessions available.
Must have AMA membership to register to fly.
First Heli & Multi-rotor night of the season this evening (4/19/16)! Come on out! We'll help with setup and flight training.
If you're wanting to get into the hobby but don't know what to get, come on down and we'll try to set you on
the right path. Don't need to be a club member to fly, but you do need to be a member of AMA (https://www.modelaircraft.org/joinrenew.aspx)
The Town of Clay is having their annual Town Park festival. For the past few years they have asked the local RC clubs to put on RC displays and demos. I have done it along with Joe Chovan and a couple of other guys. Soccer field area is available for flying, and we display all types of RC stuff.
I am not shure who is planning to attend, but we could use some help and planes. Nice time, there is music, games for the kids etc... Who's in?
Festival is Saturday 6/20, 11am -5pm. I would like anyone bringing aircraft to meet there at about 10 to set up. Clay central park 4821 Wetzel Rd, Clay NY
North - Country Radio Aeronautic Snow Hawks.
Central New York (State) Indoor Flying Society LINK
AMA District II Fly-IN August 15th and 16th. (click the image to enlarge)
I made my own DC power supply for my charger. This uses an HP server DPS-700GB A unit. 700W +12.6V 56.0A
A word of caution:
The DX6 can't mix two switches to get 5 flight modes from the menu.
The only way to get it to work is by importing a file from a DX9. If you
go into the flight mode setup menu (F-Mode Setup) or Spoken Flight Mode on your DX6 you will erase the modes
from the secondary switch. In most of the examples below the "G" switch.
The DX6 operating system known as AirWare just got updated.
The new version 1.02 (1/28/2015) is available on the Spektrum site. While you are there also pick up the new sound file (English V1_07).
The 2 new Spoken Flight Modes that just came out that I'll use on my DX6 are "Photo Mode" and
"Stagility". Note they are not "AP Mode" and "Stagility Mode" as we might have expected. Also, changing these voice commands in the Spoken Flight Mode setup
will corrupt the sounds for the 2nd switch "G" in the 5 mode model configurations because the original .spm file was created on a
DX9. If you have a DX9 with the new voice
commands (English) loaded and want to import and patch my 2 Stagility files for me please
eMail me.
" Have you ever wanted to be able to flip the 350 QX but were worried you would over or under input?
Or have you wanted Agility to fly like Agility but corrected like Stability when you needed it most? "
- indoorheli 01/23/2014
Then you want Stagility mode. This flies like Agility but if the right stick is centered automatically reverts to Stability. Here
is the best description of how to flip or roll that I've found. LINK
If you fly the 350 QX firmware V2.0 with the
DX6, DX9, or
DX18 I strongly suggest you get the Stagility .SPM configuration file.
A member of HeliFreak.com, indoorheli did a great job with the programming.
Other configuration .spm files are available in the full Stagility forum thread here. LINK
I have made just a few small tweaks to the Stagility setup.
I changed the master volume up to 90%.
Changed the backlight to 10 seconds and 50%.
D/R & Expo
Low from 70%/10% to 70%/20%
Mid from 85%/15% to 100%/20%
And in the Timer area the main countdown timer to 10 minutes.
Select NEXT
Every Minute (Down): Voice
1 Minute: Voice
30 Second: Voice
10sec to 1 sec: Inh
Expiration: Tone
Every Minute (Up): Voice
Select NEXT
Timer Start: Voice
Timer Stop: Voice
Timer Reset: Voice
Be sure to verify functionality before flight.
New for the firmware V3.0 setup is this TX configuration. It was created by rtscyoung and users
woodbine-rc and flightengr on HeliFreaks.com have
worked out the DX9 programming. Stagility is also supported.
Read the instructions HERE This is an excellent tutorial on how to program your radio.
Note firmware V3.0 does not require the 350 QX3
see the Evolution for details.
I have attached 2 .spm files I created with 5-point curves. The file labeled "Stagility 50" is the file with all AIL/ELE transition points at about 51%. The other file is a modified file so the up ELE transition point is at about 80%, since I rarely perform front flips and want more stability forward flight. By comparing the two setups you will be able to see how the setup works and was created. The key is to create the 2 extra points at the stick travel position you want and then adjust the values from there. The files have the following switch assignments:
One of the areas that I want to get into in this hobby is First Person Video (FPV).
FPV is where you fly by looking through the onboard camera for your perspective.
The 350 QX
with the Mobius camera is a good starting point. But first I need to become a better pilot. So maybe this will be my goal for next
flying season. Also, it might be good to drag my feet on this now and see what the FAA and AMA work out on new regulations. I know that
if I want to go with much power (200mW/600mW) from the video transmitter that I'll need to get a HAM license. Good introduction here and a link to a sample test
Sounds like a good thing to look at over the winter.
Here are some additional resources for the HAM test LINK,
or LINK.
In the mean while here is a good page to get more details "FPV RC Made Easy". LINK
To get a good introduction to FPV watch the series (13) IBCrazy
videos. LINK
IBCrazy is the maker of some of the best antennas called BluBeam.
Here is an article that explains the setup using a Mobius camera on the 350 QX.
LINK and another here
I have some vision problems so I'll have to figure out if I want to go with goggles or a flat panel. I know of diopters that go
into the goggles but have not tried them yet. If you have dealt with this issue drop me a note. I would love to hear from you.
Mobius ActionCam FPV Docking Station with Mini Video Transmitter 5.8GHz 32ch 200mW LINK
- Now if this was 600mW and had a better antenna it would be perfect. 4_Props
Flight Simulator:
I found that V5 of the Phoenix Flight Sim LINK had the 350
QX and was available very inexpensively in this package
The package contains other flight simulators but I only installed the Phoenix program. One of the first things you find on the CD is that much of the docs are in Chinese.
This was the case regarding the USB dongle used in the TX buddy box connection to your PC. This small plug has a switch that must allow it to be used for different
programs or computer systems. By trial and error I found that having it set to the furthest position from the USB plug end worked on my Windows PC.
When I installed Phoenix it auto-updated from v5.0.b to v5.0.r and this upgrade included some improvements in how the QX flew.
The first time the program starts up it will run a wizard to setup your radio. So having my DX6 plugged in.
The initial calibrations were basic and quickly done.
Flying this virtual QX with my DX6 while sitting at my desk is cool.
There are a good number of "locations" to fly from with some set in winter. One is even inside a gym.
The simulated flight of the QX is OK but lacks the real "feel" of the quad. The throttle is much like how AP mode
works and the virtual model seemed to climb slower than the real QX. The rudder seemed loose as the model turned in flight
more than my QX does.
Now having said all of that I haven't read the manual on this program and have only quickly looked at the adjustments that can be made to the model.
I do see where a setup can be made for different flight modes but when I use this switch I'm not seeing any difference in the flight characteristics.
Tip: To enable the FPV view you must use one of the 3D locations. A feature that I hope to use with a buddy is
to join the programs over the internet and fly together. I have a very good 24" HD flat monitor and I jacked the video quality all the way up in the setup. Following the
and maintaining orientation is very life like, difficult at distance.
I'm just getting my feet wet with this program and will update this section in time.
I have a very noticeable left drift in the virtual 350 QX when flying in the simulator. I have
calibrated the sticks in the software. I have also done the stick calibration on my DX6.
What is really bothering me is that this is very much like how my real QX flies when not being
locked into the GPS column. Last summer I tried unsuccessfully to calibrate the QX accelerometer
thinking this was the cause of the left drift. Now I'm starting to think it's the TX. Let me hear what you think
If you want to try a fligh sim. on your tablet or phone look here.
I just updated my Phoenix Flight Sim. to V5.0-w and can fly my QX OK. The FPV flight doesn't
seem right but I haven't looked to find out why yet. I did have to go into the model menu and edit the QX Electronics then GPS and uncheck the Altitude relativity box to get the throttle to seem right.
Just be careful and remember to create a restore point before running the "w" update.
Also, I should note that the drifting to the left I was experiencing seems to be corrected. I'm holding a steady hover in place now.
Tip: When configured for the DX6 I found that the '5' key on the PC keyboard would switch between
Smart and Agile modes. Agile mode is like Stagility in that it's easy to do flips and then the right stick is centered it self levels.
I also found that the '3' key puts the QX into Stunt mode. This is wild, the throttle is so high that
I could not bring the QX down.
Having said all that I changed my radio to the DX8 and
found that the 'D' switch toggled the flight modes. However the '1' or middle position of the 3-way switch isn't right.
Or on the DX6 go into Your Controls and change the Retract Gear to Controller Channel 5 in the drop down.
Last If I display the TX on screen it shows the left throttle stick reversed. So there are quite a number of bugs to be resolved.
Other Sims that work on Windows, Android, and more.
HOTPROPS open beta now available! LINK
Rotorcross Sim. LINK
Liftoff on Steam LINK
R/C Desk Pilot (Quads ?) LINK
Models LINK
At less than 2 inches and under half an ounce the Proto-X is the world's smallest quadcopter.
LINK OK, so it says on the box "Easy to fly!" and the guy at the LHS sure demoed it nice
but I'm finding it somewhat difficult to control. Perhaps I need to put it on a smooth hard floor and adjust the trims. What I am finding is that I have to be lighter on the sticks.
Right now with just a few flights I'm finding that the props come off way to easy. Seems every flight, because they all end in a crash, I'm losing a prop or two.
This then takes some time as findig these tiny parts can be a challenge. I'm also finding that flight times are maybe -5 minutes where charge times +15 minutes.
This ratio is surely a downer to the fun that can be had. One thing that seems wrong is that the on/off switch on the controller is setup backwards. Off=right On=left
Well I have to find a prop. I'll report more on this quad later.
OK, after figuring out how to reset the calibrations (it's in the instructions) flying this thing is getting more normal. With a little practice I should be able
to hold a hover. I really need to find a larger room to fly in.
This little quad is harder to fly that first thought. If you want a beginners quad I highly recommend the Syma X1 if you can
still find it. This was my 1st quadcopter.
Tip: Check out the "Gear" section above as I've added prop. guards to
the Proto-X.
5/16/15 My battery on the Proto-X is already failing. I haven't flown this little guy much and now flight time is very short.
Well I just ordered one of these LINK.
Shipping from China is very slow so it will be a while before I can post a review.
Conclusion: Well after having the Proto-X for some time now I've decided that it doesn't pass the test.
Fun ÷ $$$ The little quad is expensive after adding prop guards and replacing the LiPo. The flight times are just to short as I spend more time charging than flying.
And with the props popping off almost every flight no way can I try it outside where I would surely lose one.
So unless you just want to own a tiny quad skip this little multirotor and get something more enjoyable to fly.
H8 mini:
OK, I just got my H8 mini from Banggood.com.
This little guy is being called "The Cheapest Quadcopter": and at $13.99 (China warehouse price) I can't disagree. Actually it was the price that
got me to get it. It was a no brainer spur of the moment purchase. I got the Black version that has green color in the top and a black controller.
This H8 is about twice the size of my Proto-X, both the quad and the game type controller.
I found these forums for the H8 miniLINK,
LINK and
This small quad comes with prop guards something I had to add my
Proto-X which cost almost three times as much.
First the bad news, the quality control on this is not the best. One of the red lights in the arm is out
and there is no light in the USB charger working to help indicate the charge status. I have emailed Banggood
about this and expect they'll they to make things good. Second the small sheet of instructions are in both English and Chinese,
well sort of English as they are quite confusing. Third are the small foam bumpers that go on the bottom of the motors.
These fit well but the glue isn't holding them on very well.
Now I find the USB charger isn't working. The contacts in the USB plug are not making contact with the pins
in any of my PCs USB ports. So I just cut the USB plug end off and put on a JST plug. Now I can charge
with my old Syma X1 USB charger. Banggood.com customer service came through on my issue with the red light being out and the bad charger
and I should be good to fly soon.
I've only had a chance to fly it for a couple of minutes in a small room (don't ask, long story) but when powering up the props it is very
noticeable that this H8 mini has some power. The nice hum from the props lets you know right away this quad is going to fly.
And did I say the props are well connected to their shafts so they should stay on unlike the ones on the Proto-X that keep falling off.
Well as with many quads the lights seem to be backwards, red is the front and the blue rear. I have to guess that red up front are a warning "Danger Will Robinson" .
The H8 mini hovers very steady. I had no problem with holding it just inches off the floor. Moving around the room it followed my stick inputs well.
I then realized it was in a more aggressive flight mode and turned it down as this was my first flight in quite a small room.
I was not able to test the flip or RTH tricks as I'll need to fly outside for that and today is very windy.
Eachine H8 3D Mini 2.4G 4CH 6Axis Inverted Flight One Key Return RC Quadcopter RTF $21
My initial impressions are quite positive. If I can get the minor paralysis in my right hand repaired I'll give this little guy a good workout in the air.
Until then watch this video (not me flying) of the H8 mini.